What does it take to land a nearly 1 ton vehicle on another Planet? Curiosity: The Mars Mission(CTMM) is a simulation of sending NASA's Mars Science Laboratory to the the Red Planet. This is SERIOUS SIMULATION STUFF. If you don't know a thing or two about space flight and orbital mechanic you may find it extremely hard to complete your mission to mars.
Aside from the Curiosity Rover, CTMM also features ALL orbiters currently in orbit around mars. You'll use the orbiters to map out mars and select a target landing site for your rover.
We hope this app will get people excited about space travel and also highlight some of the difficulties in getting around space.
Please let us know of any bugs.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">怎样才能降落在另一个星球上几乎1吨车辆?好奇心:火星任务(CTMM)是一个模拟发送美国宇航局的火星科学实验室的红色星球。这是严重的模拟材料。如果你不知道的事情或两个关于太空飞行和轨道技工你会发现它非常难以完成的使命火星。
请让我们知道任何错误。</div> <div class="show-more-end">